Solar garden

MnDOT’s first solar project is located on Ramp A. The solar garden opened in October 2019.
- The solar garden includes 3,760 solar panels that generate electricity from sunlight.
- The garden covers more than half of the Ramp A parking deck. No parking spaces were lost.
- The project advances Governor Mark Dayton’s executive order for state agencies to support renewable energy.
Solar subscriptions
- MnDOT leased the ramp space to Cooperative Energy Futures for 25 years. CEF will sell solar garden subscriptions to subscribers who will receive credits on their electric bills for the electricity produced by their portion of the solar garden’s production.
- Eighty percent of the subscriptions will be sold to residential households, mainly in Minneapolis, including low- to moderate-income residents and those in affordable housing.
- MnDOT will be a backup subscriber and receive bill credits for at least 20 percent of the subscriptions’ solar energy production.
- MnDOT will secure $617,000 revenue over 25 years, including rent and savings on electricity.
- The 40- by 80-inch panels will produce enough electricity to supply 150 to 180 households.
- People will access renewable energy that is not directly connected to their electrical meter. A $2.2 million in subscriber wealth is expected over 25 years.