Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 57 and Dodge CR 16 roundabout


March 5, 2025 meeting information

Please review the information below. Feedback can be submitted through the comments tab until 11:59 p.m. on March 19, 2025.

Summary of work

Hwy 57 resurfacing and roundabout location.
Hwy 57 project map

The Hwy 57 and Dodge Co. Rd. 16 intersection has a history of right-angle crashes. Right-angle crashes, also known as T-bone crashes, tend to be life-altering or deadly. To reduce these crashes, MnDOT has decided to change the intersection to a roundabout.

The roadway will also be repaved from 9th St. in Mantorville to Dodge Co. Rd. 16. During this work, drainage facilities will also be improved.

Hwy 57 and County Road 16 proposed roundabout design.
Proposed roundabout design
Cross section of northbound Hwy 57 approaching the roundabout.
Cross section of northbound Hwy 57 approaching the roundabout

When traveling northbound on Highway 57 approaching Dodge Co. Rd. 16, the roundabout design features 6-foot shoulders, 14-foot thru lanes, and a varied median width.

Individuals not able to attend the meeting can review the information below. Please provide any comments or feedback to the project management team through the comments tab.

Meeting content

Construction is scheduled for the summer of 2027. Detour routes and additional construction timeline details will be provided as the project progresses.

Chart of the anticipated timeline the project will develop.

Crash data at the intersection was collected from January 2019 through December 2023. Below is the number of crashes sorted by level of injury or damage.

Table of intersection crashes and the level of severity.

The most common crash type at the intersection was a right-angle crash. Right-angle crashes, also known as T-bone crashes, tend to be life-altering or deadly. Seven right-angle crashes occurred between 2019 and 2023. The fatal crash was a right-angle crash between a car and a pickup truck. One serious and two minor injuries were from vehicles that drove off the road at the curve on the westbound Dodge Co. Rd. 16 approach.

Diagram of right-angle crash in intersection with vehicle traveling south on Hwy 57 with vehicle traveling west on Dodge Co. Rd. 16.

The rate of crashes at this intersection is 13 times higher than average in Minnesota for similar rural intersections with side street stop signs. The rate of fatality or serious injury is 37 times higher than average in Minnesota for similar intersections.

Stakeholder and community engagement

A conflict point is the point at which a highway user crossing, merging, or diverging from a road or drive-way conflicts with another highway user using the same road or driveway.

The more conflict points the higher the number of potential vehicle crashes. Some conflict point types also result in crashes that are severe.

For example, right-angle crashes, also known as T-bone crashes, tend to be life-altering or deadly. Sideswipe crashes are typically less severe.

Diagram of varying intersections with their corresponding conflict points.

A safety analysis was performed to find which improvements would create a safer intersection.

Converting the side street stop intersection to a roundabout offers the greatest crash reduction potential.

The analysis shows that roundabouts resulted in a:

  • 69% decrease in right-angle crashes
  • 80% decrease in fatal and serious injury crashes

Roundabouts have lower approach speeds and fewer opportunities for high-speed angle and left turn crashes, which are more severe and result in more serious injuries.

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