Discover the future of transportation in Rochester
// Meet the Med City Mover
The Med City Mover is a Minnesota Department of Transportation-led research project that is testing and demonstrating two low-speed, automated, electric, multi-passenger shuttles in downtown Rochester, MN. Two six-person shuttles will drive a programmed route for one year to test technology, conduct research and demonstrate automated, self-driving vehicles to Rochester residents, businesses and visitors. The shuttles pass by the Mayo Clinic downtown campus, residential neighborhoods, businesses, hotels and more. The shuttles are free to ride for the public.// Our Goals
The Med City Mover brings innovative transportation technology to Rochester to test how it works and help MnDOT and local governments plan for the future of transportation in Minnesota. As part of MnDOT’s Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) program, the Med City Mover will:
Engage Minnesotans about the potential benefits and opportunities of this technology
Improve how automated vehicles drive and function in winter weather conditions
Identify changes to infrastructure needed to safely operate automated vehicles on public roads
Enhance the transportation experience for Rochester residents, businesses and visitors and improve how people get around in the high-demand downtown area
Planned Hours of Operation
Med City Mover operations ended on August 31, 2022.
All Rides are Free!
Shuttle Stops
See map for details.

// Project Timeline
The shuttles will operate until August 2022 to gather data, rider feedback and lessons learned about automated vehicles operation in all weather conditions.
View the project handout for more information.