MnDOT, City of Alexandria to set up demonstration project on Hwy 29/Third Avenue in October
DETROIT LAKES, Minn.—The Minnesota Department of Transportation has partnered with the city of Alexandria to install a demonstration project on Highway 29/Third Avenue in Alexandria, starting the week of Oct. 2.
For the demonstration project, center medians will be temporarily closed on Highway 29/Third Avenue, between Broadway Street and Nokomis Street, to improve pedestrian safety. These closures will restrict left turns while allowing right turning movements. Maple Street, Kenwood Street and Hawthorn Street will be closed the first week of the demonstration. Lake Street, Jefferson Street and Hawthorne Street will close the following week. The demonstration will be in place until the end of October, weather permitting.
In 2022-23, MnDOT led a study with the city of Alexandria to provide alternatives and solutions to address the safety needs of pedestrians and bicyclists crossing Highway 29/Third Avenue between Broadway Street and Nokomis Street.
Both past plans and the current pedestrian study identified Third Avenue as a barrier for bikers and walkers. Given the future addition of high-density residential developments and the city’s desire to improve safety, simplifying the corridor with raised medians was the preferred alternative. A demonstration project will help determine the locations for future median closures.
For more information the project website.