About truck parking

Trucks move an estimated 85 percent of all manufactured goods in Minnesota, including household items. Truck parking is an important resource because truck drivers need a safe place to rest as well as to meet trucking requirements.
MnDOT operates and maintains rest areas with truck parking across the state for safety. However, over 85 percent of all truck parking in Minnesota is owned and operated by private companies, such as truck stops, shippers and carriers.
For these reasons, MnDOT is working with private companies, local and regional governments and regulatory authorities to understand future needs and strategies to effectively address the need for safe truck parking across the state.
2019 Statewide Truck Parking Study

The graphic above shows truck parking capacity by provider across Minnesota. Currently, MnDOT is the largest provider of truck parking in the state. (Click on the graphic to enlarge it)
MnDOT has completed a statewide truck parking study in collaboration with the trucking industry to identify existing parking trends, where key capacity gaps are and to identify future potential solutions. The study gathered data from across the state at rest areas and at truck stops to respond to key information needed for the federal Jason's Law Survey.
The study also used a novel combination of specialized Streetlight Insight data and GPS Probe data to identify locations where the largest truck parking needs are in the state.