Environmental process | Environmental review
Interstate Access Requests
New or modified access to the Interstate System, regardless of funding source, requires interstate access approval from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (See Non-regulatory Supplement 23CFR §630C Item 3). This guidance directs you to the process you need.
When to use this subject
Follow the Interstate access request guidance whenever you have a project that will add a new or modify an existing access to the Interstate System.
For specific process information, see the process page or contact the individual on the contacts page.
How this subject fits into the overall project development process
If a state-funded project requires an IAR, FHWA approval is required and therefore a NEPA document will need to be prepared. You can complete the process for Interstate access approval upon completion of an environmental decision (Categorical Exclusion (CATEX), Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), or Record of Decision (ROD)).
Organizations involved
- MnDOT:
- Metro Traffic Engineering
- Project Managers
- District Traffic
- Metropolitan Council