Shared mobility in Greater Minnesota | Moving Greater Minnesota Forward
Moving Greater Minnesota Forward Phase 2: Real World Testing
We encourage projects that successfully complete Phase 1 and developed an idea that is ready for real world testing to apply for up to two years of pilot funding in Phase 2. The purpose of Phase 2 grants is to provide funding for demonstration projects of up to two years as a proof of concept for shared mobility projects in Greater Minnesota. Phase 2 seeks to help shared mobility projects that have successfully completed Phase 1 to implement their shared mobility idea in a real-world test that may be used to scale and expand their project after Phase 2 is complete.
Available grant funding
In the 2025, second cohort of Phase 2 grant funding, each grant applicant may only apply for a minimum of $20,000 up to a maximum of $150,000. Using state-funded grants, we have up to $500,000 in total funding available for this round of grants to be distributed to qualified shared mobility pilot projects.
- Monday, Jan. 27, 2025: First ILT Lean Startup Refresher workshop for Phase 1 project teams
- Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025: Second ILT Lean Startup Refresher workshop for Phase 1 project teams
- Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025: Phase 2 application opens
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025: Informational webinar
- Monday, March 31, 2025: Phase 2 application closes
- Thursday, April 24, 2025: Project selection finalized and award notices sent to applicants
Applicants must have completed Phase 1 of the Moving Greater Minnesota Forward program to apply for Phase 2 funding.
Eligible applicants
Grant applicant must provide proposal(s) for either of the following:
- Shared mobility projects that support services provided by transit agencies eligible to receive funding under Minn. Stat. § 174.24, subd. 2, as follows:
- legislatively established public transit commission or authority
- tribal government
- county or statutory or home rule charter city providing financial assistance to or operating public transit
- private operator of public transit
- Shared mobility project(s) that support active transportation, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 174.38, subd. 1(b) as “bicycling, pedestrian activities, and other forms of nonmotorized transportation.”
Projects must be located in Greater Minnesota defined as the area of the state outside of the seven counties of the Twin Cities Metro area. Ineligible locations include the following:
- Anoka County
- Carver County
- Dakota County
- Hennepin County
- Ramsey County
- Scott County
- Washington County
Multiple eligible organizations may apply on a single grant application but should indicate which organization is the lead and direct funding recipient. At least one organization on the application must have successfully completed the full Phase 1 Moving Greater Minnesota Forward course, including meeting all attendance and deliverable requirements.
Eligible projects
The goal of the Phase 2 program is to bring project ideas to market and implement pilots. Projects eligible for selection must involve the development of a new shared mobility service or improvement to an existing shared mobility service. Shared mobility is defined as a form of transportation in which transportation services are shared among users. Users may use the service at the same time or independently of one another.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Transit
- Van and carpooling
- Rideshare
- Carsharing
- Micromobility (bike, ebike, and scooter share)
- Microtransit
- Delivery service
Any use of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funded vehicles must follow all required FTA regulations.
Application process
Before you apply
- Review our full solicitation guide (PDF)
- Attend our informational webinar at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, 2025
- Review the MnDOT Equity Lens Framework & Companion Guide (PDF)
Items to prepare for your application
- Budget narrative (Word)
- Letter of commitment signed by authorized agent - example (PDF)
- Affidavit of noncollusion (PDF)
- Disclosure of potential conflict of interest (PDF)
- Certification of no conviction of felony financial crime by a principal (PDF)
- Lean canvas (PDF)
- Concept canvas (PDF)
- Financial documentation:
- If a nonprofit organization - one of the following documents:
- Grant applicants with annual income of under $50,000, or who have not been in existence long enough to have a completed IRS Form 990 or audit should submit their most recent board-reviewed financial statements.
- Grant applicants with total annual revenue of $50,000 or more and less than $750,000 should submit their most recent IRS Form 990.
- Grant applicants with total annual revenue of over $750,000 should submit their most recent certified financial audit.
- If a for-profit business - all of the following documents:
- The grant applicant’s most recent federal and state tax returns
- Current financial statements
- Certification that the business is not under bankruptcy proceedings
Optional documents you may want to include
- Letter of commitment from any application partners
- Letter of commitment from match funder or award letter
- Letter of support from other organizations
- Planning and development documents for the project
- Market analysis surveys, interviews, or reports
- Visual representations of project
When you're ready to apply
After you apply
- A committee will review and score all applications.
- We'll announce project awards on Thursday, April 24, 2025.
- Grant recipients must submit a scope of work document, quarterly reports for the grant period, and a final project report.