Surveying and Mapping Manual
The MnDOT Surveying and Mapping Manual provides an overview of the surveying and mapping functions in the department. This manual contains material that is of both an informational and instructional nature. Guidelines and procedures are spelled out in detail in the hope that greater uniformity and quality can be obtained in surveying and mapping related activities within MnDOT. The manual clarifies policies and procedures technical and professional surveying and mapping personnel use in their day to day work. Using these procedures should result in uniform surveying and mapping practices. The manual introduces procedures to work with survey equipment now being used throughout MnDOT. While the manual was written for use by MnDOT personnel, other agencies may utilize the manual as deemed appropriate. However, MnDOT accepts no responsibility, legal or other, for the adequacy of the methods and procedures contained in this manual, when used outside of MnDOT.
The MnDOT Surveying and Mapping Manual is periodically revised and supplemented. The most up to date version was published in June of 2007. The 2000 version is made available for historic reference.
- Surveying and Mapping Manual - 2007 (PDF 3.2 MB)
- Surveying and Mapping Manual - 2000 (PDF 3.5 MB)
- Surveying and Mapping Technical Manual - 2nd Edition - 1972 (PDF 70 MB)
- Surveying and Mapping Manual - 1962 (PDF 17 MB)
- Surveying and Mapping Manual Instructions (PDF 0.5 MB)