Pedestrian access

All MnDOT projects - both new construction and rehabilitation projects - must include evaluation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Components can include, but are not limited to adding curb cuts, truncated domes and accessible pedestrian signals. Read about MnDOT's transition plan to comply with the ADA.
Specifics for this project
The project will focus and formulate safer access options for bicyclists and pedestrians crossing Hwy 10 and Hwy 23. The project will:
- Reconstruct and improve pedestrian crosswalks, sidewalks and ramp approaches
- Upgrade pedestrian signal systems at:
- Hwy 10 and E St Germain St.
- Hwy 23 and Lincoln Ave. SE
- Hwy 23 and Division St. E/14th Ave. SE
Pedestrian access is compliant at the intersections of Hwy 23 and Benton Co. Rd. 1, and Hwy 10 and 15th Ave./7th St. SE. Also, the pedestrian bridge over Hwy 23 between Wilson Ave. and Lincoln Ave. was replaced in 2012.