Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 86



Draft Layout - March 2021
Below are two different roadway configurations (typical sections) being considered for the project:

Option with Shoulders: 5 foot sidewalk, variable width boulevard, 2.7 foot curb and gutter, 5 foot shoulder, 11 foot thru lane, 11 foot thru lane, 5 foot shoulder, 2.7 foot curb and gutter, variable width boulevard.
Typical section option with shoulders (click to enlarge)
Option with parking and right turn lane: 5 foot sidewalk, variable width boulevard, 2.7 foot curb and gutter, 7 parking, 11 foot thru lane, 11 foot thru lane, 11 foot right turn lane, 2.7 foot curb and gutter, variable width boulevard.
Typical section option with parking and right turn lane (click to enlarge)