About this project
Summary of MnDOT work
2024: Litchfield to Dassel
- Resurface Hwy 12 from Holcombe Ave. in Litchfield to east of Meeker CR 14 in Darwin.
- Upgrade sidewalks, including pedestrian ramps, along the project area to meet ADA standards in Litchfield and Darwin.
- New sidewalk will be created between Davis Ave. and Hubbard Ave. in Litchfield.
- Replace culvert at the county ditch 1.5 miles east of the intersection of Hwy 12 and Meeker County Road 34 in Litchfield.
- Install pedestrian push button station at Davis St. in Litchfield.
- Repair the concrete and replace asphalt shoulders on Hwy 12 from east of Meeker CR 14 in Darwin through the Hwy 15 intersection in Dassel.
- Resurface the Darwin Rest Stop and make ADA improvements to sidewalks.
- This part of the project has been completed as of Oct. 2, 2024
2025: Dassel to Cokato
- Repair the concrete and replace asphalt shoulders from east of Hwy 15 in Dassel to the end of the concrete section in Cokato.
- Upgrade sidewalks and pedestrian ramps in Dassel to meet ADA standards.
- Ramps along the trail between Dassel and Cokato will be upgraded to meet ADA standards.
Traffic impacts
- In 2025, Highway 12 will be closed from Dassel to Cokato during construction. Traffic will be routed to Highway 15 and County Roads 21 and 3.
- Construction dates are subject to change depending on weather and other unforeseeable circumstances.
Project updates
Feb. 26, 2025
- The project will resume in early June 2025; the start date will be posted here once known and sent to email and text update subscribers.