
All MnDOT projects - both new construction and rehabilitation projects - must include evaluation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Components can include, but are not limited to adding curb cuts, truncated domes and accessible pedestrian signals. Read about MnDOT's transition plan to comply with the ADA.
Specifics for this project
- Construct accessible sidewalks at:
- American Blvd. east of Normandale Service Rd.
- 78th St. east of Computer Ave.
- Across the Penn Ave. bridge over I-494
- 78th St. (north) east of 12th Ave.
- 78th St. (south) from Nicollet Ave. to Portland Ave.
- Nicollet Ave. (east and west side) from 77th St. to American Blvd.
- Portland Ave. (east and west side) from 77th St. to American Blvd.
- Chicago Ave. south of 78th St. (south)
- 12th Ave. (east side) from 77th St. to south of I-494
- Various locations where local streets change geometry
- Construct accessible trails at:
- 79th St. east of Xerxes Ave
- 78th St. (north) from Thomas Ave. to Knox Ave.
- 78th St. (north) from Pillsbury Ave. to 12th Ave.
- 12th Ave. (west side) from 77th St. to south of I-494
- Construct curb ramps at:
- East Bush Lake Rd. north of I-494
- France Ave. ramps at I-494
- Penn Ave. at I-494 ramps and 82nd St.
- Nicollet Ave. at 77th St., 78th St. (north), 78th St. (south), and American Blvd.
- Portland Ave. at 77th St., I-494 ramps, and American Blvd.
- Chicago Ave. at 77th St., 78th St. (north), and 78th St. (south)
- 12th Ave. at 77th St., 78th St. (north), and north/south of bridge over I-494
- Install APS signals at:
- East Bush Lake Rd. north of I-494
- Penn Ave. at I-494 ramps and 82nd St.
- Nicollet Ave. at 77th St. and American Blvd.
- Portland Ave. at 77th St., I-494 ramps, and American Blvd.
- 12th Ave. at 77th St.
- Build pedestrian bridge at Chicago Ave. over I-494
- Build concrete bike path along Portland Ave.