Website Development & Management
MnDOT Policy #AD002
Revised: April 26, 2021
April 18, 2023
View/print signed policy (PDF)
Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.
Responsible Senior Officer: Deputy Commissioner/Chief Administrative Officer
Policy Owner: Director, Office of Communications and Public Engagement
Policy Contact: Digital Communications Supervisor
Policy statement
MnDOT must ensure that its communications are clear, concise, consistent, and accessible. The Office of Communications and Public Engagement establishes web standards and approves the creation of MnDOT’s internal and external websites and the content they present. All of MnDOT’s websites must comply with the department’s standards for visual style, editing, content, and accessibility, and be available by means of a single point of access.
Websites include all technologies that present online information or services to employees and the public, including web-based applications, social media, video, and collaborative technologies. For purposes of this policy, websites do not include tools that are used to help specific teams function more effectively (i.e. applications in the Office 365 Suite). However, these tools should not replace websites or be used as websites. Information that is valuable for all employees, rather than a specific team, should be presented on the Interchange rather than within a SharePoint or Teams site. All MnDOT employees and contractors working on MnDOT websites must comply with MnDOT standards.
This policy sets the requirements and the roles and responsibilities for all content published on MnDOT websites.
Reason for policy
- Ensure accurate and up-to-date web-based information that reflects the mission, vision, and core values of the department and maintains agency credibility.
- Ensure coordination with website professionals.
- Ensure compliance with applicable State and federal laws on accessibility of electronic information, including Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and related regulations.
- Ensure compliance with MNIT enterprise-wide policies and standards, including the State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard.
- Ensure compliance with MnDOT’s Americans with Disabilities Act – Title II Policy.
- Ensure that websites are customer-focused and meet changing customer needs.
- Safeguard State resources and set expectations for MnDOT employees and external contractors.
- Avoid duplication of effort.
All MnDOT employees and consultants working on MnDOT websites must comply with this policy.
Key stakeholders with responsibilities under this policy include:
- Office of Communications and Public Engagement
- Digital Communications Team
- Public Engagement Team
- Digital Communications Supervisor
- Social Media Coordinator
- Office of Chief Counsel
- MNIT Services @ DOT
- Web Editors
- Topic Experts, Content Providers and Content Creators
- All MnDOT Employees
Topic Expert (Web)
A person who is an authority on a subject or topic, provides content changes to keep a website up-to-date, and approves content changes prior to publication.
Web Domain
The name of a website; what comes after the “www” in a web address.
Web Editor
A person who is responsible for ensuring that the content of a web page or series of pages is accurate, relevant, and timely, and uses web editing software to edit web page content.
Office of Communications and Public Engagement
- Establish web standards and approve the creation of MnDOT’s internal and external websites and the content they present.
- Ensure MnDOT websites, including documents and images, comply with applicable State and federal laws on accessibility of electronic information and MNIT enterprise-wide policies and standards.
Digital Communications Supervisor (Office of Communications and Public Engagement)
- Review and approve all websites, including those proposed by contractors for specific projects, and requests for URLs outside the MnDOT web domain.
- Collaborate with the Office of Chief Counsel to include standard language in contracts concerning MnDOT standards for website and web content creation.
- Approve all new web editors and requests for access to the web server.
- Approve new license requests for web and design software, such as Adobe Creative Cloud.
- Responsible for all top-level pages and for overall navigation of MnDOT websites.
- Approve new high-level topics and directories; determine directory structure, organization, and naming conventions for all information intended to be accessible using web technologies through MnDOT’s single point of access.
Digital Communications Team (Office of Communications and Public Engagement)
- Using web technologies, provide access to information and other resources that enhance MnDOT’s ability to communicate with the public.
- Work with topic experts to update the content and design of MnDOT’s internal and external websites.
- Ensure web content editors are appropriately trained.
- Provide technical support to Web Editors and Technical Experts so that pertinent information and data is available to customers via the MnDOT website.
- Work with the Office of Chief Counsel to develop disclaimer, privacy, and copyright statements and ensure they are available on every webpage.
- Manage web quality assurance and metrics tools, including Siteimprove™ and Google Analytics™, and provide reports to other offices to aid with site reorganization and continuous improvement.
- Work with stakeholders to develop and recommend standards for structure, design, content, and methods to make information accessible.
- Develop and update templates; establish guidelines for content, consistency of message, style, and organization.
- Manage users in the security groups created by MNIT Services @ DOT for MnDOT’s internal Interchange and external web domains.
- Review websites and work with web editors to edit or remove content and websites that do not comply with content, brand, or requirements set forth by the State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard.
- Ensure contractors meet content, brand, and accessibility requirements prior to publication.
- Work with management staff and, if necessary, the Office of Human Resources in cases of employee non-compliance with web standards.
Public Engagement Team (Office of Communications and Public Engagement)
- Provide a service for responding to customer inquiries and requests submitted to MnDOT’s electronic public access services.
Social Media Coordinator (Office of Communications and Public Engagement)
- Review and approve all requests for new social media sites and channels.
Office of Chief Counsel
- Work with the Office of Communications and Public Engagement to develop disclaimer, privacy, and copyright statements for webpages.
MNIT Services @ DOT
- Serve as the steward for web technologies.
- Develop and maintain technology to support MnDOT’s single point of access for electronic information, which must be internally and externally accessible, and coordinate the technical aspects of the point of access with offices, districts, and the State of Minnesota’s single point of access.
- Ensure the physical security, maintenance, integrity, and serviceability of technology components supporting electronic access.
- Create and add users to security groups for MnDOT’s internal Interchange and external web domains.
- Ensure that any needed changes to technology components are implemented.
- Coordinate the development of technology standards to support electronic access to information.
- Coordinate site licenses for technology components to support electronic access to information.
- Implement the technical infrastructure and organization to support the framework developed by the Office of Communications and Public Engagement.
- Provide technical support to Web Editors and Technical Experts to enable them to make pertinent information and data available to customers via the MnDOT website.
Web Editors
- Understand and follow all web policies and standards, including responsibilities for accuracy, accessibility, appropriateness, timeliness, and presentation of information.
- Make content updates to a topic or series of web pages, regularly review content, and remove outdated, inaccurate, or redundant content.
- Improve the functionality and performance of web pages.
- Use web quality assurance and metrics tools, including SiteImprove™, to aid in continuous improvement of web content.
- Follow all security protocol and standards set forth by MNIT Services @ DOT.
Topic Experts, Content Providers and Content Creators
- Follow all standards for design, editing, and content established by the Office of Communications and Public Engagement.
- Follow all requirements set forth in the State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard (PDF).
- Follow all security protocol and standards set forth by MNIT Services @ DOT.
All MnDOT Employees
- Ensure all new websites or URLs, including those proposed by contractors for specific projects, are approved by the Office of Communications and Public Engagement before development (see Website Request Form).
- Report to the Office of Communications and Public Engagement instances of sites that do not conform to standards or meet accessibility requirements (
- Retain records in accordance with MnDOT’s Records Retention and Disposal Policy and the Records Retention Schedule.
Policy Owner (Director, Office of Communications and Public Engagement)
- Review the policy every two years, or sooner as necessary, to ensure the policy remains up-to-date.
- Ensure that training, procedures, and other supporting documents associated with the policy remain current.
- Work with the Policy Coordinator to revise the policy and/or confirm its accuracy.
- Monitor state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements that apply to the policy or procedures.
- Consult with the Office of Chief Counsel to ensure the policy and procedures remain compliant with all state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements.
- Ensure that necessary approvals by state or federal agencies are obtained before changes to the policy or procedures are implemented.
- Communicate policy revisions, reviews, and retirements to stakeholders.
Resources and related information
- Web update request form (to request changes to existing websites)
Processes, Procedures, and Instructions
- Contact the Office of Communications and Public Engagement to establish new websites
- Web Principles and Standards (web posting standards and guidelines)
- MnDOT Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication and Technology Policy (PDF)
- Statewide Policy: Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication and Technology (PDF)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)
- MNIT Accessibility Policies & Standards
- MnDOT Americans with Disabilities Act – Title II Policy and Grievance Procedure
- Report Wrongdoing/Questionable Activity Form
- Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13
- Official Records, Minnesota Statutes, Section 15.17
- Business Data Catalog (BDC) – accessible from employee Intranet
- MnDOT’s Policy Website
History and updates
March 21, 2013
- Policy 4.1 – Web Technologies, Supplying Information
- Effective: May 23rd, 1995
- First Revision: January 12th, 1999
- First Revision: December 2, 2016 (minor revisions)
- Second Revision: April 26, 2021
Policy Review
- April 18, 2023 - Added three policy owner responsibilities to match revised template.
This policy's next scheduled review is due April 2025.