Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Data Stewardship

MnDOT Policy DM002
View/print signed policy (PDF)

Policy statement

MnDOT will establish stewardship of its shared data assets to ensure their quality, reliability, integrity and shareability.

Reason for policy

To guide the organization and data governance structure in managing data.

Who needs to know this policy

All MnDOT employees.



All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated by the agency, regardless of its physical form, storage media or conditions of use as defined by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA), Chapter 13. Data is needed to create information, which is used by knowledge workers to do their jobs. The right knowledge used by the right worker can turn into wisdom. Without quality data, information and knowledge are suspect and wisdom unattainable.

Data Domain

A data domain is a high-level subject category for grouping data sources, which include the following nine data domains (Human Resources, Financial, Investment Planning and Programming, Supporting Assets, Recorded Events, Spatial, Infrastructure, Regulatory, Business Partner/Customer).

Data Set

A data set is a specific type of data within the data domain.

Strategic Level Data

Departmental data governance and data stewardship, with oversight by Division Directors and other appointed decision makers.

Tactical Level Data

High level data domain (such as Financial Domain, is data related to how MnDOT receives, manages and spends funds), with input and guidance by subject matter experts.

Operational Level Data

Operational Level Data are data sets that are in production and in use by knowledge workers. Examples of operational level data in the Financial Domain are Fund Data, Budget Data, Local Government (State Aid) Financial Data; and whose data quality and adherence to data principles are managed by subject matter experts within the data domains.


MnDOT will assign Data Stewards for its shared data assets at the Strategic, Tactical and Operational levels.


Data Stewards

Data Stewards will be accountable for managing shared data for the common benefit of the agency. Stewards will ensure the quality, security, retention, timeliness, availability and reliability of the data. Stewards will be accountable for informing users of the proper use of the data. Stewards will authorize changes within their data domains and will grant or withhold security access rights to the data in accordance with other information resource management policies. Stewards will manage data in accordance with data practices classifications and requirements as defined in the MGDPA.

Division Directors

Division Directors and other appointed decision makers will act on behalf of the Department to provide oversight of departmental data governance and data stewardship. They will review and approve data policies, standards, and procedures; provide funding or alternatives for data projects; and provide oversight, assess compliance, manage risks to data assets.

Office Directors

Office Directors and other appointed experts will be recognized as subject matter experts for their high level data domain. They will provide business expertise regarding data in their domain.

Subject Matter Experts

Knowledge workers and business leaders will be recognized as subject matter experts within data domains. They will work with data on a daily basis and be accountable for data quality and adherence to data principles. They will work to manage their data and data requests.

Knowledge Workers

Knowledge workers focus primarily on creating or applying information or knowledge to create value. At the most generic level, the term “knowledge worker” refers to individuals who possess high levels of training and/or expertise in a particular area, and who use their cognitive skills to engage in complex problem solving.

Other Data Managers

The Record Manager, Chief Information Security Officer and Data Practices Compliance Officer will be consulted on issues that deal with retention, functions of security and availability of data.

Frequently asked questions

Why does data need to be managed as a state asset?

Data is a valuable state resource; it has real, measurable value. The primary purpose of data is to aid in decision-making and to provide accountability and transparency.

Why does data include standard metadata?

Common deployment of data documentation schemes promotes data reusability, reliability, and the possibility of sharing across the department.

Why is data management everyone’s responsibility?

All MnDOT employees are responsible for managing data whether as an owner, steward, or user in accordance with the department’s vision and mission for data, MnDOT’s Data Management Principles and appropriate data policies and procedures.

Related information

  • MnDOT Data Domains, Domain Stewards and Subject Areas (for employees only)
  • Data Business Plan (for employees only)
  • Business Data Catalog (for employees only)



August 8th, 2012


  • Policy 4.95-10 - Administration No. 95-10, MnDOT Information Resource Management: Stewardship
    • Effective March 23rd, 1995
  • Guideline 4.95-10-G-1 - Administration No. 95-10-G-1, MnDOT Information Resource Management: Stewardship Policy Guideline


Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.

Responsible Senior Officer

Deputy Commissioner, Chief Engineer

Policy Owner

Office Director
Office of Transportation System Management

Policy Contact

Planning and Data Analysis Manager
Office of Transportation System Management