Social Media Account Standards
For Social Media Use Policy #WF020
Revision Date: March 25, 2021
Print Social Media Account Standards (pdf)
These standards do not apply to personal social media use.
Content posted on MnDOT’s social media accounts must comply with the standards listed below.
Account Management
Before a new social media account for the agency is created, a proposal must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Communications. The proposal must include a purpose, how staffing and resources will be used to maintain the account, how comments will be monitored, and how the unit will coordinate with department-wide social media and communications efforts.
The Director of Communications may conduct periodic reviews of MnDOT accounts on social media platforms. The review will consider whether the accounts comply with the Social Media Policy and MnDOT Social Media Account Standards and provide a consistent and clear message to the public. Social media accounts opened on behalf of MnDOT are the property of MnDOT, not the managing employee(s).
Accurate and transparent
All content must be factually accurate and free from misleading statements. Mistakes and changes happen—if information on a social media platform is identified as incorrect, edits/updates should be made. When editing the content is not an option, it should be deleted to avoid confusion.
Plain language
All content must be easy to read and understand.
*See the Plain Language Interchange page for more information.
MnDOT-produced social media content must be as ADA-compliant as the platform allows. ADA-compliance extends to, but is not limited to, captioning videos, designing mindfully for those with color blindness and including alternative text for images.
Posts, especially those containing photos of work sites, must be reviewed by the project manager or equivalent for OSHA compliance—such as hard hats and safety vest. If there are compliance-related questions, seek counsel from the Agency Emergency Management & Safety Manager.
Interaction from MnDOT on social media platforms may be conversational, but never unprofessional.
MnDOT content is tailored to each individual social media platform to provide seamless experiences for followers and fans.
MnDOT platforms are not intended for internal communications.
State of Minnesota branding
MnDOT social media content must adhere to the State of Minnesota branding.
Photo releases
When photos of employees are used, a Tennessen Warning must be issued and signed by pictured employees.
Naming employees
MnDOT social media content that names employees individually must use only first names (Ex. “Meet Bob”). Exceptions are allowed with the expressed permission of the employee.
Any consultant or contractor who wishes to create social media content for MnDOT must abide by the above standards. Additionally, any copy or graphic must be sent to project/program’s public affairs liaison and the social media coordinator for approval before publishing.