MnDOT Policy #WF023
Revised: October 2, 2023
Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.
Responsible Senior Officer: Deputy Commissioner/Chief Administrative Officer
Policy Owner: Director, Office of Human Resources
Policy Contact: Labor Relations Manager
Policy statement
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) fully adopts the Minnesota Management and Budget statewide policy, Telework, HR/LR Policy #1422, which supports teleworking when it meets the business needs of the agency.
This policy provides additional requirements specific to MnDOT.
To request, renew, revise, or cancel a telework arrangement, employees, managers, and supervisors must follow the Telework Procedures published by MnDOT and the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement or compensation plan. A Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form must be approved by the manager or supervisor before implementation or change of a telework arrangement. All telework arrangements must be in accordance with office or district requirements for in-person reporting.
Reason for policy
The MMB statewide policy, Telework, HR/LR Policy #1422, assigns responsibility to agencies for:
- Adopting and communicating the MMB statewide policy;
- Complying with the terms of the MMB statewide policy, managing implementation of telework in the agency, and drafting any corresponding agency-specific policies or procedures deemed necessary by the agency;
- Maintaining corresponding tools/resources created by the agency;
- Completing a Telework Schedule and Acknowledgment form for teleworking employees;
- Providing applicable supervisor and employee training. Topics may include telework policy and procedure, data security and privacy, FLSA, communication, injury reporting, goal and standard setting, technology use and guidelines, safety, time tracking, etc.;
- Identifying and documenting internal controls related to telework;
- Creating a procedure to determine which positions are eligible for telework using job related criteria; and
- Creating a set of criteria to approve/modify/rescind telework based on employee performance.
Emergency teleworking strategies are mandated by MnDOT’s Federal partners for COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) in the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010. The Governor’s Executive Order 19-23 directs each agency to develop a COOP to address continuation of critical priority services after a disruption of normal activities. An agency’s COOP may include telework options.
In addition, MnDOT supports the concept and practice of teleworking for its employees when it meets the business needs of the agency, office, or district. When used appropriately, teleworking provides various business-related benefits to MnDOT, including:
- attracting and retaining skilled workers from throughout the region and state;
- allowing employees flexibility to perform work from an approved alternate worksite while delivering quality services to Minnesotans;
- supporting continuity of operations, including during health and safety situations that impact MnDOT’s workforce;
- reducing the need for office space and parking; and
- minimizing impact to the environment.
All MnDOT employees must comply with this policy.
Key stakeholders with responsibilities under this policy include:
- Office Directors/District Engineers
- Managers and Supervisors
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Equity and Diversity
- Office of Financial Management
- Office of Administration, Technology and Investment Management (TIM) Program
- Safeguarding MnDOT Program
- Employees
This policy does not apply to employees who:
- Work at home as a reasonable accommodation, except that a Telework Schedule and Acknowledgment Form must be completed;
- Work at home on a case-by-case or situational basis (“Ad Hoc Telework”); or
- Are mobile workers or remote workers.
Ad Hoc Telework
Telework that occurs as a result of a planned or unplanned event, such as a doctor’s appointment or inclement weather. Ad hoc telework does not require a Telework Schedule and Acknowledgment Form, however, all occurrences require supervisor approval.
Emergency Telework
Telework that occurs as a result of a business interruption or emergency situation. Emergency Telework is a continuity of operations strategy to promote continued services during a business interruption or emergency situation when normal facilities are closed or inaccessible.
Emergency Teleworker
An employee designated by the agency’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) as one who may be directed by management to continue to work at the emergency teleworker’s remote worksite during emergency situations when normal facilities are closed or inaccessible.
Mobile Worker
An employee who travels continuously for work or who performs work at multiple locations outside of an agency office, such as a field location or other site.
Remote Worker
An employee who, as a condition of their appointment, has their home or alternative location as their assigned work location, works permanently from that location, and does not have an agency permanent/principal work location.
Permanent/Principal Work Location
The worksite to which an employee is permanently assigned, usually the agency office.
A work arrangement that allows an employee to perform work on a scheduled regular, recurring basis at a telework location that is not the employee’s permanent/principal work location.
Telework Schedule and Acknowledgment Form
A document identifying the employee’s expected telework schedule and in which the employee acknowledges the requirements of the telework arrangement.
Telework Location
An approved worksite, different from the permanent/principal work location, in which an employee is authorized to conduct telework. In most cases, the telework location will be an employee’s home.
An employee who has an agreed-upon schedule during which they are expected to work at a telework location rather than their permanent/principal work location.
Office Director/District Engineer
- Establish telework expectations for the work area or location based on business needs, including requirements for in-person reporting, and communicate them with supervisors.
- Review the MnDOT Telework Considerations Form for telework requests that are denied or partially denied by a manager or supervisor.
- Ensure consistent application of the Telework Policy and Procedures.
Managers and Supervisors
- Review request for telework and determine whether the request meets the criteria for telework and the telework expectations for the office or district.
- Complete the MnDOT Telework Considerations Form for requests that are denied or partially denied, or for arrangements that are unilaterally revised by the manager or supervisor.
- Discuss telework decision with employee and complete the Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form if a telework arrangement is approved.
- Before approving a Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form for a telework location outside of Minnesota (even for one day), provide the proposed Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form to HR and payroll to address any tax or other employment law implications of working in a different state. (See also: Out of State Telework Procedures and Out of State Telework Request Form)
- Be familiar with the telework policy, procedures, provisions of the collective bargaining agreements and compensation plans, Fair Labor Standards Act, and all other relevant materials.
- Work collaboratively with the employee to develop and establish resources to ensure successful work performance and customer service.
- Ensure that teleworkers have access to necessary equipment and supplies, including hardware and software, needed to perform work duties.
- Respond to employee safety and/or ergonomic concerns and determine appropriate action.
- Track state-owned equipment and supplies being used at the telework location.
Office of Human Resources (Central Office)
- Establish and maintain the Telework Procedures, including a standard Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form to be used by all Offices and Districts.
- Manage implementation of telework within the agency and draft any corresponding agency-specific policies and procedures.
- Create and maintain the procedure for determining which positions are eligible for telework using job related criteria. (See the Telework Considerations Form)
- Create and maintain a set of criteria to approve/modify/rescind telework based on employee performance.
- Provide applicable supervisor and employee training and resources.
Human Resources (Central Office and Districts)
- Maintain records of all Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Forms and upon request, provide reports to senior leadership.
Office of Equity and Diversity
- Ensure that a Telework Schedule and Acknowledgment Form is completed when reasonable accommodation agreements are entered with telework as an accommodation.
Office of Financial Management
- Communicate reporting requirements for out-of-state telework with employees.
Safeguarding MnDOT Program
- Monitor and recommend internal controls related to telework.
- Provide technical support to offices/districts on information technology issues for teleworkers, such as remote access options, licensing agreement issues, availability and/or purchasing new equipment, security, etc.
Technology and Investment Management Program
- Provide advice to offices/districts on information technology issues for teleworkers, such as remote access options, licensing agreement issues, availability and/or purchasing new equipment, security, etc.
- Complete and submit the Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form.
- Be familiar with and attend training on the Telework Policy, Telework Procedures, and all other relevant materials.
- Maintain a safe and functional workspace and notify supervisor of any safety and/or ergonomic concerns.
- Comply with the Minnesota Data Practices Act and all related MnDOT internal controls.
- Work with supervisor to develop a plan for completing work assignments in the case of power failure, loss of Internet or network access, or other interruption.
- Ensure that only the teleworker has access to and use of MnDOT computer equipment, software, and services.
- Be responsive to communications during agreed upon work hours.
- Return equipment and supplies to the office/district upon the supervisor’s request, when no longer telecommuting, transferring to a different office/district, or terminating employment with MnDOT.
- Conduct any in-person MnDOT business-related meetings at a location other than a personal residence.
- Obtain approval from manager or supervisor if teleworking outside of Minnesota for one day or more and record out of state telework on timesheet, as appropriate. Teleworking outside of Minnesota may have tax or other employment law implications. (See also: Out of State Telework Procedures and Out of State Telework Request Form)
Policy Owner (Director, Office of Human Resources)
- Review the policy every 2 years, or whenever MMB makes changes to the enterprise policy, to ensure the policy remains up to date.
- Ensure that the MnDOT policy complies with the terms of the MMB enterprise policy.
- Ensure procedures, forms, resources, and training associated with the policy remain current.
- Monitor state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements that apply to the policy or procedures.
- Consult with the Office of Chief Counsel to ensure the policy and procedures remain compliant with all state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements.
- Ensure that necessary approvals by state or federal agencies are obtained before changes to the policy or procedures are implemented.
- Work with the Policy Coordinator to revise policy and/or confirm its accuracy.
- Communicate policy revisions, reviews, and retirements to stakeholders.
Resources and related information
- Telework Schedule and Acknowledgement Form
- Telework Considerations Form
- Out of State Telework Request Form
Processes, Procedures, and Instructions
- Telework Procedures (including Out of State Telework Procedures)
- MMB Telework Policy
- Telework Enhancement Act of 2010
- Governor’s Executive Order 19-23
- Business Data Catalog (BDC) – accessible from employee Intranet
- MnDOT’s Policy Website
History and updates
August 17, 1993 (Policy #93-4)
- First Revision: March 4, 1996
- Second Revision: October 31, 1997 (Renumbered as #3.6)
- Third Revision: September 21, 1999
- Fourth Revision: November 4, 2004
- Fifth Revision: March 13, 2006
- Sixth Revision: July 1, 2021 (Renumbered as #WF023)
- Seventh Revision: October 2, 2023
Policy Review
This policy's next scheduled review is due September 2025.