Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT IT and Data Standards

Digital File Storage Standard

MnDOT Standard #D-001
Effective: October 14, 2024

View/print signed standard (PDF)

Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.

Standard Owner: Chief Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel
Contact: Records and Information Manager, Office of Chief Counsel

Statement of standard

The management of digital files is required as part of employment at the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT).

Records document MnDOT business decisions or transactions and must be stored according to the Records Retention and Disposal Policy. Use the Record Retention Schedule Search Tool to find the correct record series classification and storage location. Whenever possible, final records should be stored in eDOCS. Avoid storing records in multiple locations or formats (such as both paper and digital).

Non-record digital files must be stored according to this standard. Use the Electronic File Storage Decision Tree to find the best storage location for digital files. Only save non-record files needed to perform job functions for current or future work. Avoid saving files that would be “nice to have.” Delete files when they are no longer needed.

  • Do not store duplicate files. Saving a local copy of a file stored somewhere else means risking outdated information and takes up additional space, costing time and money.
  • MnDOT resources may ONLY be used to store MnDOT files. Personal files such as vacation, personal life events, recreational photos, music/video files, or anything outside your function as a MnDOT employee must not be stored on MnDOT systems or drives.

Follow Best Practices for File-Naming whenever possible. Follow the Guidelines for Information Technology (IT) Use at MnDOT to ensure MnDOT technology is used in a safe and secure manner.

Primary Storage Locations

Most digital MnDOT files should be stored in one of the primary storage locations listed below. Certain files with unique business needs may be stored in specialty applications.

P-Drive or OneDrive

Store documents used for individual work, draft documents, and work-related documents that will not be shared with others - like reference items, training certificates, or personal HR documents - in a personal (P:) drive or OneDrive.  

When dealing with limited internet connectivity, employees may store these files on desktop (C:) drives temporarily. Move temporary desktop files to another MnDOT storage location as soon as possible.

OneDrive may also be used to share documents with other State of Minnesota employees.


Store CADD and other active project-related files in ProjectWise until project close-out. Once the project has been closed out, move record files to eDOCS. (See also: MnDOT CADD Standards for file naming and file management information.)

CADD files cannot be shared with non-MnDOT employees directly. Compress the file and share it via email instead. Share files larger than 20 MB using Managed File Transfer (MFT). Alternatively, the ProjectWise Gateway Service may be used to enable external ProjectWise Explorer clients (consultants and MnDOT employees located outside of MnDOT’s firewall) to reach a ProjectWise Integration Server residing on the secure local network inside the MnDOT firewall. See External ProjectWise Access for details.


Store files that must be shared with MnDOT employees across work areas or with other State of Minnesota employees in SharePoint or Teams. Follow MnDOT SharePoint and Microsoft Teams guidance to use these resources effectively. Do not use SharePoint or Teams for long-term file storage.

Shared Drive/Network Folders

Store files for use within MnDOT work areas in each office or district shared drive. Follow MNIT file management tips and use remote access options to keep information secure. Do not provide access to individuals outside of MnDOT.

Files may also be shared with MnDOT employees across work areas by using public or limited access shared drive folders, such as the “L” drive. Submit an IT Service Request to create shared drive folders with limited access rights.


Any work-related files may be stored in eDOCS. Employees need an eDOCS license to upload or edit files. Document originators control access rights (edit, read-only, etc.) for their files and whether the public may access the files. Use links to share files stored in eDOCS.

eDOCS may be used to share read-only documents with non-MnDOT employees, publish links on Interchange, and share links with the public on dot.state.mn.us. Contact the MnDOT Web Team for help publishing your content. Review the MnDOT Web Content Guide for additional guidance.

Portable Storage Devices

Do not store MnDOT data on personally owned portable storage devices such as external hard drives, USB/thumb drives, etc. Only store public data on MnDOT portable storage devices. If your job requires storing not public data on MnDOT portable storage devices and accessing the data remotely is not feasible, contact the IT Service Desk.

Encrypt portable storage devices using BitLocker.

Reason for standard

The purpose of this standard is to ensure consistency in digital file storage across MnDOT. Appropriately managing digital files protects the agency from risk and increases efficiency. Benefits include:

  • Lower storage costs by decreasing redundant, obsolete, and trivial files.
  • Less staff time needed to find and retrieve important files.
  • Reduced likelihood of working from outdated information.
  • Easily accessible files in response to data requests or legal holds.


All MnDOT employees and third parties working on MnDOT projects must comply with this standard.



Information that documents MnDOT business decisions or transactions and is designated in the agency's Records Retention Schedule.

Working Document/File

In-progress files or documents related to daily tasks or projects under development.

Personal Document/File

Any document or file that is not work-related.

Reference Item

Useful historical document, file, data, or information with a specific business purpose. Reference items are no longer being worked on and have no official retention requirement.

Roles and responsibilities

MnDOT Employees

  • Store digital files according to this standard.


  • Ensure staff comply with this standard.
  • Communicate where to store and how to access digital files.
  • Follow the account deletion process when employees separate from employment with MnDOT for proper management or disposal of digital files.

Standard Owner (Chief Counsel)

  • Review the standard every two years, or sooner as necessary, to ensure the standard remains current.  
  • Ensure documents and training associated with the standard remains current.
  • Communicate the requirements of the standard.

Resources and related information


Processes, Procedures, and Instructions


History and updates


October 14, 2024

Review of standard

The next scheduled review of this standard is due October 2026.