Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Special Provisions

Project Delivery addendum process

An addendum is a supplement to the advertised proposal package. It covers additions, corrections, or changes in the bidding conditions. It is issued to prospective bidders prior to the date set for opening of bids. Addendums are processed by the Special Provisions Unit.

Evaluate the following questions to determine if an Addendum is needed

  • Will the change impact bid results?
  • Is the proposal package biddable without the addendum?
  • May there be an unbalanced bid without the addendum?
  • Can the change be addressed during construction?
  • Is there a measurable difference between the cost of posting an addendum versus a construction change order?
  • Does the contractor have adequate time to incorporate the information in their bid?
  • Has information been given to one contractor or supplier that all plan holders need to be aware of?

Addendum process

Once it is determined that an addendum is necessary:

  1. Review sample addenda language (Word) and select the appropriate language.  
    • Quantity changes:
      1. Obtain the pay item information from the Proposal Schedule of Items and revise as shown in the sample addenda language.
      2. If adding items, obtain the item number from AASHTOWare Project Item List Search.
      3. Revise the SEQ plan sheets and affected tabs.
    • Provision changes:
      1. Select the appropriate type of change from the sample addenda language.
      2. Obtain special provision section numbers from the advertised proposal.
      3. Draft revised language.
    • Plan sheet changes - See sample revised plan sheet (PDF):
      1. Revise the plan sheets and circle the changes with a cloud without obscuring other plan information.
      2. For quantity changes, see the section above.
      3. Add R to the plan sheet numbers (i.e. 39 becomes 39R)
      4. Enter the date, initials, and specific changes in the revision block. (Examples: Add common excavation pay item or Revise pipe elevations)
      5. Recertify the plan sheets using the revision date.
      6. Complete the revised sheet language from the sample addenda language.
      7. Compile the plan sheets into one PDF.
    • Other changes: See the sample addenda language to revise the start and completion dates, supersede an addendum, change to the letting date, and change wage rates.
  1. Email the addendum request to specprov.dot@state.mn.us and thomas.klevan@state.mn.us.
  2. Project Delivery reviews the submitted information and generates the draft addendum for District and Resident Engineer review.
  3. The District approved addendum is reviewed and signed by the State Design Engineer.  
  4. The addendum is posted electronically through the E-Plan Room and Bid Express websites. 
  5. Plan holders are notified of the posted addendum through E Plan Room.