Engineering solutions for traffic safety
Our mission is to reduce fatal and life changing crashes on Minnesota roadways, to enhance the mobility of all users, and to develop and deploy new technologies and innovative cost-effective traffic solutions. We provide direct services through guidance, resources and training to MnDOT districts, cities, counties, contractors, and consultants. We're an active member of the State’s Toward Zero Deaths initiative, working in collaboration with an extensive network of partners, including state agencies, local government, and educational institutions.
- Approved products
- Bicycling
- Cable median barriers
- Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Electrical Services Section (ESS)
- ITS/TMS Design
- Lighting
- Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Pavement markings
- Pedestrian accommodations through work zones
- Pedestrians
- Reduced Conflict Intersections
- Roundabouts
- Rumble strips and stripes
- Signals
- Signing
- Speed limits
- Tort claims
- Traffic safety
- Traffic topics webinars
- Training
- Transportation System Management Operations (TSMO)
- Trivia and facts
- Work zones