Doing business with District 3
Industry and business partner resources for contractors, motor carriers, roadside partners and more.
For contractors
- Bid letting
- Construction plans
- Consultant services
- Design-build
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
- Labor compliance
- Land management and work on MnDOT right of way
- Planning and design tools
- Utility agreements and permits
- entry form for traffic impacts
For motor carriers
- Commercial Vehicle Operations: Statutes and rules, permits, operating authority, education and training and more.
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration forms
- Statewide Freight Plan
For roadside partners

- Adopt-A-Highway: Public service program for volunteers to pick up litter along Minnesotas highways.
- Landscape partnerships - How your community can work with MnDOT to design, install and maintain roadside plantings
- Living Snow Fences - Off-road plantings help keep state highways clear in winter. Federal and state government are partnering to expand the living snow fence program.
Purchasing equipment, property
- Equipment section - Cooperative purchasing venture for cities, counties and townships
- Excess property for sale - Pictures, descriptions, bid forms and instructions to purchase excess land and buildings
For business, home owners
- How to Thrive During Road Construction: Workbook filled with tips and tools to help businesses thrive during roadwork
- Local Plan and Development Process: A guide designed to assist in understanding the process and requirements for involving District 3 in the review of local plats and development proposals, including access entrances
For area planners, partners
- Central Minnesota Area Transportation Partnerships (ATP 3)
- East Central Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths (TZD)
- State Aid for Local Transportation
- Traffic Forecasting and Analysis
- Region Five Development Commission for Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd and Wadena counties
- Region 7W Transportation Policy Board for Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright counties
- East Central Regional Development Commission for Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine counties
- St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) for the St. Cloud Metro Area
- Tribes and Transportation for Indian tribal governments
- Local county or city governments
- Chambers of Commerce for Minnesota
Transit and commuter rail
- Greater Minnesota Transit Programs
- Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan
- St. Cloud Metro Bus - St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids, Waite Park, Sartell and North Star Link (from St. Cloud to Big Lake)
- Northstar Commuter Rail - Big Lake to Minneapolis
- Rural Transit providers