Meet & Greet
Annandale community invited to come and visit with MnDOT and learn about the upcoming six month Hwy 55 roadwork project from Brown Ave. to Annandale Blvd.
Thu, April 3
- Stop by 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Annandale City Hall
30 Cedar St E
Google map
Guests will have an opportunity to meet the project team, ask questions and learn about work and detour details. The public Meet & Greet is open house style, arrive when convenient for you.
The project will resurface, reconstruct and widen shoulders on segments of Hwy 55 in Annandale, includes underground utilities, sidewalks and adjacent roads/entrances. This work requires a through traffic detour from mid-April to mid-October. Local access to businesses and residences will be open; however expect changes when in the work zone.
Hwy 55 Annandale project details:
Unable to attend? That's ok, sign up for Hwy 55 Annandale roadwork updates and we'll keep you informed.