We have discovered a software glitch in the I-35W bridge lighting system and we are working to fix the issue. As a result, some colors may not appear as programmed. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to correct this problem soon.

Bridge lighting
The I-35W bridge is lit on special occasions and in recognition of special events, including in honor of Worker's Memorial Day.
Lighting requests
MnDOT receives dozens of requests each year from organizations asking to light the I-35W bridge a specific color for a particular event.
I-35W Bridge is lit orange in recognition of Worker's Memorial Day
How do I apply for a special lighting of the I-35W bridge for an event?
- Fill out the application form to request special lighting for the event.
When do I send in the application letter?
- Fill out the form at least 30 days in advance of the date of the event.
How do I know if my application has been approved?
- MnDOT‘s Metro District Engineer will review your application. You will be then be notified by MnDOT staff within 10 days of your submittal if the application has been approved or denied.
- Applications that meet MnDOT requirements will be granted depending on the lighting schedule.
- If another organization already has a lighting scheduled for the day of your requested event, your application will be denied.
- Approved requests will be granted for a maximum of one night. The lighting will take place 30 minutes before sunset and end 30 minutes after sunrise.
- Only one approved application will be granted per requester annually.